
Hello! I am Joe Han, ...

an adaptable and communicative 4th-year Computer Science student that can contribute to team projects with a tenacious approach to novel challenges. I have had two internship experiences working in middleware infrastructure and big data processing, and am particularly interested in learning more about scalable solutions for high throughput systems.

Download my résumé!


Brown University ‒‒ ScB Computer Science, Anticipated Graduation May 2022

Relevant Courses:

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant:


Work and Volunteer Experience:

Intern ‒‒ Software developer ‒‒ Amazon, June-August 2021

Software development in automated advertising and big data processing.

Intern ‒‒ Software developer ‒‒ C Spire Systems Integration Team, June-August 2020

Worked as an intern in the Systems Integration middleware team. Contributed to middleware and internal tools with direct customer impact.

Volunteer ‒‒ Webmaster ‒‒ Mississippi Chess Association, 2019-Present

Volunteer ‒‒ Co-founder ‒‒ ChariChess, 2018-Present





ChessIO/Scala's Mate

Personal Hobby Project, June 2020-Present

A Scala-based chess engine and a bot interface fully compliant with the Universal Chess Interface protocol.

API bridge repo:

Engine repo: Coming soon!

Play the bot here!


Lichess account needed - it's a free open-source website with many great resources!


Hack@Brown 2020 Best Use of Google Cloud winner (team of 4), January 2020

ReadMe is an android app that takes advantage of Google's Firebase text recognition API in order to do real-time
text translation to dyslexic friendly typeface using the phone camera. In addition, ReadMe is able to read gallery images, relaying
them to the user by text-to-speech and dyslexic friendly typeface. The design of the application is focused around a color-blind
palette and large, hard to miss buttons to get users straight to the purpose of the app: to help.

More about the app here: GitHub/ReadMe-


CSCI 0320 Final Team Project, February-May 2020

ReSearch is a search tool that highlights connections between academic research papers and
researchers featured on The tool functions by returning search results ranked via locality
sensitive hashing: metadata for each paper is vectorized and then processed via this probabilistic
nearest neighbor search. KMeans clustering is then utilized to display a visual representation of
groupings of similar papers. The visual representation augments the ranking and provides an extra
dimension of analysis.